2018年大学英语四级CET4阅读理解词汇理解答题攻略及模拟题 您所在的位置:网站首页 solar paneled 2018年大学英语四级CET4阅读理解词汇理解答题攻略及模拟题


#2018年大学英语四级CET4阅读理解词汇理解答题攻略及模拟题| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Passage Three

    Zoos have existed for so long that no one knows the origins of the first ones. At one time, zoos were _1_ to entertain kings, queens, princes and princesses. Today, there are probably over 500 public zoos _2_ the world. The one with the greatest _3_ of animals  is in Berlin. Years ago, zoos always _4_ animals in barred cages, but now zoos try to keep their animals in more natural surroundings. As a result, there is great _5_ in the ways animals are treated, housed and bred. One of the best zoos in the United States is at San Diego in California, where the climate makes it possible for the animals to live _6_ most of the year. As civilization spreads and natural wildernesses are reduced, zoos have become more important. They _7_ places where rare animals can be saved  from extinction.    Game reserves have _8_ in parts of Europe for hundreds of years for hunting purposes. Today, however, they are usually places where wildlife are safe from hunters and can live and breed _9_ by man. One of the largest _10_ in the world is the Kruger National Park in South Africa, where elephants, zebras and lions are among the attractions.

Passage Four

    When we think of green buildings, we tend to think of new ones―the kind of high-tech, solar-paneled masterpieces that make the covers of architecture magazines. But the U.S. has more than 100 million existing homes, and it would be _1_ wasteful to tear them all down and _2_ them with greener versions. An enormous amount of energy and resources went into the construction of those houses. And it would take an average of 65 years for the _3_ carbon emissions from a new energy-efficient home to make  up for the resources lost by destroying an old one. So in the broadest _4_,the greenest home is the one that has already been built. But at the same time, nearly half of U. S. carbon  emissions  come  from  heating,  cooling  and _5_ our  homes,  offices  and  other buildings. “You can’t deal with climate change without dealing with existing buildings,” says Richard Moe, the president of the National Trust.    With some _6_, the oldest homes tend to be the least energy-efficient. Houses built before 1939 use about 50% more energy per square foot than those built after 2000, mainly due to the tiny cracks and gaps that _7_ over time and let in more outside air.    Fortunately,  there  are  a _8_ number  of  relatively  simple  changes  that  can  green older  homes,  from _9_ ones  like  Lincoln’s  Cottage  to  your  own  postwar  home.  And efficiency upgrades (升级) can save more than just the earth; they can help _10_ property owners from rising power costs.

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